Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tour of Worcester - Day 006

Thursday morning, Kelli and I went out for breakfast.  We ate at Annie's Clark Brunch.  It was a nice little diner and it had home-cooked style breakfast.  After that we went up to Purgatory Chasm State Reservation.  Purgatory Chasm is this natural landmark where there are high granite walls and a mixture of rock formations.  It was a lot of fun to walk through there.

Later that night, Kelli and I met up with Jean and we went out to a couple Worcester bars for a few drinks.  We extremely enjoyed hearing Pink Martini being played in one of the bars. :D


mike houston said...

I can't tell by this picture whether or not you are wearing pants or shoes. Also you failed to mention in your posting whether or not you put on pants and shoes. Could you clarify please?

Joshua said...

I can't tell either. I didn't take the picture, so who knows? I did, however, wear that same shirt to church on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Don't you feel sorry for the people who don't drink? Because when they get up in the morning, they know that is the best they are going to feel all day.

mike houston said...

Dad you are the funniest person I know. That joke cracked me up.

Nicole said...

Hi Josh,

It looks like you have having a blast...keep up the postings, you write like a true Houston. Very informative!!