Saturday, April 12, 2008

The city of brotherly love - Day 001

My first day of traveling solo and things are going pretty well.  I slept nearly the entire way on the flight from Boise to Denver and on the one from Denver to Philadelphia, as was expected.  Thankfully, I didn't fall asleep in any terminals.  I also didn't fall asleep on the train from the airport to downtown Philadelphia.  So yes, I've been awake for the important parts and that means it's going well.

I'd love to see everything there is to see in Philadelphia, but I have to remind myself that I'm on my way to Europe and so I'm just getting a feel of some of these East Coast cities.

One important thing was to eat a Philly Cheese-steak so I ate one close by to my hotel.

Today's budget:
Pizza Hut pizza @ airport: $4.75
Train ticket to downtown Philly: $7
Map because I thought I memorized Philly and I didn't: $8
Philly Cheese-steak and a beer: $12.25
Hotel Room: Paid for by Mom (Thanks, Mom!)

Total: $32
Grade: C+ (Less beer and less airport food)