Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday night @ Kelli & Jen's - Day 007

Friday night was a birthday celebration for Jen and a few other things, but I can't remember what.  In preparation for that Kelli, Jean, and I made brownies.  Luckily, we had vanilla ice cream to go with them :P.  I got to meet tons of Kelli and Jen's friends and it was a lot of fun.  It was good to see Jesse and Jessica from Idaho, too!  I busted out the harmonica for the singing of happy birthday but mostly I talked about my trip the whole night and some people said they would read my blog... well, if I remembered their name.  Ha, dang that didn't happen... :)


Cheryl said...

Of course you have to have ice cream with brownies. That's the best way to eat them!!

mike houston said...

you should just mumble a bunch whenever you meet new people. that way you can just mumble whatever and people will think you're saying their name whether you remember it or not.