Monday, May 26, 2008

London - Days 042, 043, 044, & 045

Forgive me for not going into detail on all four of these days, I am about to head to Paris and therefore I will be brief on the last leg of my London trip.  

The highlight of the last few days was going to the British Museum.  They had a lot of cool stuff there.  They have the largest Egyptian collection outside of Egypt.  They had the Rosetta stone, which was a key to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics because written on it was the same decree but written in 3 languages: Egyptian hieroglyphics, Demotic (the modern language of Egypt in that time), and classical Greek.  I knew the picture of the Rosetta stone wasn't going to be very good when I took it because of the reflective glass, but I thought I'd show it since I talked about it.

There were real mummies.  They had a picture of the CAT scan that reinforced the fact there was a very old body inside that little halloween costume thing.

There were loads of Roman statues.  I took many photographs.  And there was a vase called the Portland Vase.

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