Monday, June 23, 2008

Some pictures

I am a little behind on updating, but I have a few pictures to share with you.

A meal in Germany
A meal in Austria

A meal in Poland


Anonymous said...

Are these pictures of your typical meals?

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh!! It's so great what you're doing! I can't wait to hear more about it! You need to post some pictures of your campsites, your tent and the hostels you're staying at! We can't wait to see you when you get back but I know you're having a great time!

Joshua said...

Hello! No, not typical meals, they are the special ones. Okay, I am going to put a picture of the campsite up and a hostel or two.

Anonymous said...

So is that your "tent" or did you buy a new camper?

Anonymous said...

When you have bratwursts in Germany, be sure to have some of their mustard with them. It is really good. I have looked for something like it here, but have not yet found anything, not even among the imports at World Bazaar.

Joshua said...

I did have mustard with one of my bratwursts. I think it was one I got on the go, it was very good, I think it must be the same kind you speaking of.

No, it is not my camper nor my tent. I thought I took a picture of the bivy I sleep in but it appears I did not. It is not very big, it looks just like a sleeping bag on the ground.