Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday's Stomp! - Day 008
Saturday was another gorgeous day in Worcester. Kelli took me around to see lots of the abandoned factories in the city. We also took a nice walk through one of the parks. Later that evening Kelli, Jen, and I went out for pizza and then to the Stomp at The Hanover Theatre. Stomp was very exciting. The performers are very good at making the audience feel involved and it is impressive how they can add so much humor to the show without any dialogue. We also had the pleasure of sitting pretty close to this lady that was escorted out for her loud, vulgar language. People clapped when she and her group left and the applause seemed to confuse the performers on stage. The whole thing to me was very entertaining.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Friday night @ Kelli & Jen's - Day 007
Friday night was a birthday celebration for Jen and a few other things, but I can't remember what. In preparation for that Kelli, Jean, and I made brownies. Luckily, we had vanilla ice cream to go with them :P. I got to meet tons of Kelli and Jen's friends and it was a lot of fun. It was good to see Jesse and Jessica from Idaho, too! I busted out the harmonica for the singing of happy birthday but mostly I talked about my trip the whole night and some people said they would read my blog... well, if I remembered their name. Ha, dang that didn't happen... :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tour of Worcester - Day 006
Thursday morning, Kelli and I went out for breakfast. We ate at Annie's Clark Brunch. It was a nice little diner and it had home-cooked style breakfast. After that we went up to Purgatory Chasm State Reservation. Purgatory Chasm is this natural landmark where there are high granite walls and a mixture of rock formations. It was a lot of fun to walk through there.
Later that night, Kelli and I met up with Jean and we went out to a couple Worcester bars for a few drinks. We extremely enjoyed hearing Pink Martini being played in one of the bars. :D
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The trip to Kelli's - Day 005
On Wednesday I took the bus to Boston. However, I should've taken the bus to Worcester since that was the place I needed to go. Luckily, Kelli's friend Jean didn't mind picking me up in Boston. Things probably would've gone smoothly after that had I charged my phone the previous night. However, my phone died and somehow Jean spotted me without knowing who I was as I ran by with my huge backpack. Before I go to Europe, I'll be sending my phone home, so I won't have the opportunity to make that mistake again.
Jean had to say bye to some friends before we went out to Worcester. We went to a bar in south Boston. South Boston is actually just called Southie by its residents. On the movie Good Will Hunting, Southie is where the main character, Will Hunting, grew up. I was happy I got to go to a bar in Southie. After that we drove out to Worcester and I arrived to Kelli's place at last!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
New York City - Day 004
On Tuesday I didn't take as many pictures. I walked a lot in NYC, but with so much to see I felt like I would miss something taking a cab or the subway. However, each morning and evening I was taking the subway in and out of Manhattan from Queens or Brooklyn.

Tuesday's sights to see were the Statue of Liberty, WTC site, and Houston street. So this time I took the train to the South Ferry and saw the Statue of Liberty. Then I bought some nuts, the delicious cinnamon glazed almonds and cashews kind. I walked along the waterfront which was really nice; the sky was completely clear and it was warm. After seeing the WTC site and a while later, Houston St., I went to China town.
I really liked walking through China town and Little Italy. My bus on Sunday was a China town bus and so I got to see some of China town that day, but this time I got to enjoy it.
It turned out to be another pleasant day walking through New York City. Emily and I met up for some good Manhattan pizza and called it a night.
Monday, April 14, 2008
New York City - Day 003
Thank you everyone for commenting! It makes doing this even more fun! I'm a little behind and so I'm trying to catch up now.
Monday, I got up early and took the train to 23rd St. There I got to see the Flatiron Building. Originally, it was called the Fuller Building. Upon its completion in 1902 it was one of New York City's tallest buildings.
The Flatiron Building is on the corner of 5th Ave. and Broadway. There were a few things I wanted to see on 5th Ave. so I just walked up that way. I saw the Empire States Building, NY Public Library, and the Apple store. Then I walked through Central Park until I got to 84th St. which was close to the Guggenheim museum. The Guggenheim was undergoing exterior renovation.
After going in the Guggenheim I was really tired and it was kinda chilly, so I sat down on a bench for like half an hour. It was relaxing.
Let's see, I need to write just the good stuff, I think that's why this blog is taking me so long I'm trying to write every detail. Oh and the Metropolitan Museum of Art was closed because almost all museums are closed on Mondays. Lame!
So, I went in St. Bartholomew's Cathedral. I can't even find that place on my map right now I have no idea where all I walked. Anyway, I'll sum this up. I walked to Rockefeller center, Time Square, Grand Central Station, and eventually all the way back to 23rd St.
Then, Cara and I met up with Emily and the three of us went out for Sushi!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
New York City - Day 002
I took the bus from Philadelphia to NYC for $12. It took me right into China town in Manhattan. From there I needed to get on the train and go meet my good friend Kelli's friend Cara. I asked these British ladies what direction Lafayette street was and they offered me one of their maps. I was very happy I asked them, they were very nice. Then I got on my train and I was on my way uptown. I met Cara at a Strand book store. Her, a couple of her friends, and I all went out to eat sandwiches.

Later that night, Cara and I walked out to see the Manhattan skyline. It was really pretty.
I don't know if I'll keep doing the budget thing. I got a free map, so that was rad.
Alright, more New York City on its way.
Last of Philly stuff - Day 002
The Philadelphia Museum of Art is undergoing some work. Frank Gehry is leading both the expansion and renovation.
I guess it's supposed to take around 10 years.
I love the colors.
Philadelphia Part 2 - Day 002
I got to see a lot more today. My favorite, of course, was the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Instead of running up the steps though, I just walked.
I learned today that I don't want to pack my main pack and my day pack when I'm going to be walking around with both of them. So I put everything in my main pack and left the day pack empty. I wore them both all day and it didn't bother me much at all. I'm very glad I brought my laptop. For instance, right now I am in a fancy hotel right by where I'm going to get on my bus in a second and I just imported all my pictures. If anyone asks what I'm doing here, I'm meeting my parents. It's pretty fancy so I'm thinking I'll get kicked out.
See you in New York!
Complimentary Breakfast: $0
Snacks packed ahead of time: $0
Total: $0
Grade: A+ (Woohoo!)
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