One night in Athens there was a partial lunar eclipse. For the occasion, people were allowed up on the acropolis after midnight. The regular hours of visiting the acropolis ended before sunrise normally, so I was extremely happy for this special occasion. It was thanks to my friends Lena and Lisa that I have pictures from this event because I went up camera-less. They even let me take many of the pictures. 

For my last sight-seeing day in Athens, I went to both Olympic stadiums, the 1896 one and the 2004 one. The 1896 one was impressive but it was a quick visit. You weren't allowed inside so there wasn't much more to do than to take a few pictures and walk by. 1896 was the first time the ancient games had been revived, so it was the first year of the modern Olympics.

For my last sight-seeing day in Athens, I went to both Olympic stadiums, the 1896 one and the 2004 one. The 1896 one was impressive but it was a quick visit. You weren't allowed inside so there wasn't much more to do than to take a few pictures and walk by. 1896 was the first time the ancient games had been revived, so it was the first year of the modern Olympics.
The most recent Olympic games held in Athens were outside of the city's center. I took the metro out there and I didn't know what to expect. I had heard you weren't allowed inside there either so I thought I would be taking pictures through a fence. However, you just aren't allowed in the actual stadium or event centers, entry into the sports complex was permitted. It was like walking in a park. Every building was a site to see, and despite lack of recent upkeep it was still very pretty.
And last, a few pictures from other spots in Athens.
The temple of Olympian Zeus