Wow, I've been gone a whole month! I went to church Sunday at St. Giles' Cathedral. I think I should've gone to the later service instead of the 8 AM service because there was hardly any one there and there was no music. It rained more Sunday and Monday. I remembered to call my mom Sunday night! <3
I didn't do much on Monday. Well, I read and I actually drew on SketchUp some, too. There is a website ( where you can get free books to put on your iPod or other electronic device. Anyway, since this is a blog and I think you give links and talk about random things on blogs, I thought I'd mention that. So, I put Charles Dickens' David Copperfield on my iPod and I have been reading that. I was sad I couldn't find the books I left behind online, but Arthur Koestler isn't very well known. Dickens is enjoyable anyhow.
More pictures!! Picture show! Picture show!
Sounds like a great adventure! If you make it to London, check out the Imperial War Museum. It is top notch.
Kathy McIntosh
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